25 Oct 2014

DT Floats


Over the last year I've started looking at handmade pole floats, both for the quality they offer over a lot of mass-produced floats and being able to get exactly 'the' float I wanted. Also they are stronger and built to last - not fall apart after 1 or 2 sessions.

I was put onto Dean Townshend's handmade floats by a friend and far better angler than I would ever be (although I wont tell him that !). Since then i've been in touch with Dean and found him to be very friendly, helpful and honest.

I was shocked and pleasantly surprised when Dean said he wanted to sponsor me, as I am far from the profile of the type of angler I would have expected to attract any sponsorship.

So what I've said is I'm happy to take up his offer. I am an honest person in my view, so I will continue to review Dean's products as I would any other. I cant say something is brilliant if its not - whether anyone believes me is their call.

I'm already expecting some winter wire type floats to use on my next session and look forward to trying other patterns as the seasons develop.

One of the other things I like about Dean's floats against others is the customization you can go for; from the colour, diameter and material of the tips, to the colour of the bodies and even personalizing the float with your nickname if you want (I'll look forward to seeing my 'Big Boy' going under thats for sure ! - thats a joke )

The other thing is with some other floats I was having to wait 6 weeks for delivery. Now thats not the supplier`s fault and if you're organized great. But I'm not - so when I realize I want or need a particular float by the time it arrives its a different season. Not a big issue but worth considering. Dean's float making time is within a few weeks and arrangements can be made to be quicker if needed. Price wise they are aslo on par with commercially available floats and extremely competitive compared to other hand mades.

On the website are the majority of Dean's patterns although I know he is adding new lines all the time.

Thanks for reading.

Dean Townshend's website and store is here :    www.dt-floats.co.uk

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