About Me

My name is Robin Taylor (Robinta or robinta1967 on various fishing forums). Im a 47 year old dad of 2 and live in Sunderland,  Tyne & Wear. Due to family commitments I don't go fishing as much as I'd like so when I do its pleasure fishing only, but im a frustrated match angler at heart ! However as a parent of a disabled child and also wanting to spend as much quality time with my family as possible, being on the bank is part of a balancing act. Nevertheless, if im not actually fishing I'm invariably reading about, watching or thinking about it.

I started fishing with my Granda when I was around 10 years old.  We were both totally self taught and as such our coarse fishing journey was often fraught with poor results, not helped by living in the fishing `backwater` of  Tyne & Wear.

I joined a then  new angling club Wansbeck & Cramlington & D.A.C and fished a few junior matches winning my first 2 - more through luck than skill. I also started to go to the River Coquet around Rothbury in Northumberland and caught lots of trout, albeit nothing very big.

Over time I returned to coarse fishing and spent a lot of sessions at Leazes Park in the centre of Newcastle-upon-Tyne or on waters owned by the largest club in the area Big Waters A.C. This is where I learned that delicate presentation using finer lines and hooks and thinking about my feeding patterns would often give me more success than many of those around me. That is something that even today in the era of carp and commercials that still is part of my makeup, so to date I've found using big hooks, thick lines and 'giving em some bait' is still a bit alien to me, but I am getting a little bolder as time passes ! Whilst others I knew went down the specimen hunting route I dabbled but always came back to my 'matchman/pleasure' approach. At the end of the day I just love seeing a float go under, as many times as possible.

ive had a few breaks from fishing over the years, usually when my expectations and ambitions have far outstripped by achievements and ability. But I returned last year after 3 years away. During these times I've never considered selling my gear and then one day out of nowhere. ..BAM...the thought's there and the excitement builds as if it never left. It's something that is just in your blood.

So why do a blog ? Well I'm certainly not someone who thinks that they are an expert or can tell others how to fish, far from it. I'm an average angler at best. I suppose the blog started as a way to chronicle my fishing in a bit more depth. If I can tell someone about my day and inspire them in someway or raise a smile then I'll be very happy. Also my fishing is usually solitary so if what i say connects with you then that's fantastic. Finally i do welcome any feedback from anyone who takes time out to read my blog. It's called 'Fishing For The Truth' so any advice or answers i receive is very appreciated.

Thanks for reading and if you see me on the bank - please say hello.

Robin Taylor

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